A new report on Al Jazeera shows what some of the world already knew. It shows that, since 1967, the Israeli Government and the Israeli Military have been conspiring and working together to steal land from the Palestinians and build permanent settlements there.
By permanent settlements I don’t mean a few buildings. I means whole towns with residences, synagogues (should that be sinagogues?), police stations, schools, roads, etc.
Of course, according to International Law, this practice is illegal but it seems that even the laws of Israel have been corrupted to allow this settlement activity to continue without proper permits and in spite of many U.N. Resolutions demanding that such activity be stopped.
The report said, it appears that 120 ‘authorized’ settlements have been constructed since the 1967 war on Palestinian land with another 100 ‘unauthorized’ settlements placed here and there wherever Jewish people decided might be a nice place to live.
Now can you imagine how you would feel if suddenly an army of occupation invaded your town and just threw you and the rest of the people out of their homes and into the street without compensation, then demolished the town and set about building a nice little Jewish town there, a Jews-only enclave?
Or they constructed a settlement close by in a pick spot then they set about taking the farmland that you relied upon to make a living, and created Jew-Only roads that cut you off from friends and relatives and, in some areas, constructed giant concrete walls that meant your kids couldn’t get to their schools. How would you feel?
Since 1967, the Palestinians have suffered this monstrous crime. Day by day they have watched their land disappearing, their legal rights being trampled on. But most monstrous of all, as it was happening the rest of the world did nothing, absolutely nothing.
Well a few countries did make some tut-tutting noises but to all intents and purposes, the world did nothing and by doing nothing it gave the Israelis a sense of legitimacy, a sense that, well, we Israelis can do anything we like and, besides, we’re here now and that’s the end of the matter.
A Palestinian group, Yesh Din, which has collated this settlement building information, is urging dispossessed people to take legal action against the Israeli government. Yeah, sue the very Government that has been deliberately acting in contravention of International Law and laws governing Human Rights and its own laws for sixty years! Great idea.
How much longer is the so-called civilized world going to allow Israel, a rogue nation that is fully supported in all its evil, unlawful deeds by the U.S.A., to trample all over the Palestinians?
Of course, according to International Law, this practice is illegal but it seems that even the laws of Israel have been corrupted to allow this settlement activity to continue without proper permits and in spite of many U.N. Resolutions demanding that such activity be stopped.
The report said, it appears that 120 ‘authorized’ settlements have been constructed since the 1967 war on Palestinian land with another 100 ‘unauthorized’ settlements placed here and there wherever Jewish people decided might be a nice place to live.
Now can you imagine how you would feel if suddenly an army of occupation invaded your town and just threw you and the rest of the people out of their homes and into the street without compensation, then demolished the town and set about building a nice little Jewish town there, a Jews-only enclave?
Or they constructed a settlement close by in a pick spot then they set about taking the farmland that you relied upon to make a living, and created Jew-Only roads that cut you off from friends and relatives and, in some areas, constructed giant concrete walls that meant your kids couldn’t get to their schools. How would you feel?
Since 1967, the Palestinians have suffered this monstrous crime. Day by day they have watched their land disappearing, their legal rights being trampled on. But most monstrous of all, as it was happening the rest of the world did nothing, absolutely nothing.
Well a few countries did make some tut-tutting noises but to all intents and purposes, the world did nothing and by doing nothing it gave the Israelis a sense of legitimacy, a sense that, well, we Israelis can do anything we like and, besides, we’re here now and that’s the end of the matter.
A Palestinian group, Yesh Din, which has collated this settlement building information, is urging dispossessed people to take legal action against the Israeli government. Yeah, sue the very Government that has been deliberately acting in contravention of International Law and laws governing Human Rights and its own laws for sixty years! Great idea.
How much longer is the so-called civilized world going to allow Israel, a rogue nation that is fully supported in all its evil, unlawful deeds by the U.S.A., to trample all over the Palestinians?