Thursday, March 27, 2008

About The Past

Several times over the past few months.. I've been thingking about the past, it's just ran accross my mind... makes me happy or even makes me crying sometimes

Appreciation for what one gets in life is, I guess, an age thing. I remember me whining and crying about everything that I wasn't getting or that I couldn't get only a few years back. now, that understanding and gratefulness for all that I do have has managed to settle in to a good level (if not for its entirety).

Few questions have appeared inside my mind... should I cry about the past? can I do anything about past?

Robin Sharma on his book "Who Will Cry When You Die" wrote : "every second you dwell on the past, you steal from your future. every minute you spend focusing on your problems, you take away from finding the solutions."

A few people struck my mind as I read those lines. fortunately, they know who they are, and one of them is going to be reading this at some point. I have heard people say that "we dont think about the past. we live for today." I wish it were that easy. there are always something from the past threatening to take over your mind and not leave until it has sapped it of its reasoning powers. the time taken to regenerate is precious time wasted, as is stated in those lines up there.

One thing that I can do is to train the mind to slowly letting go of the past but not to forget. the simple reason of thought being that nothing can be done about it.
The faster I accept and appreciate what happened, the faster I'll come to respect it and learn from it. the moment you learn from it, I'll not go back to it, because that's how the mind works. It's mightbe simply like we don't found ourself going back to that cookbook, or TV manual? why? because we already know how it works. why will we waste our time learning the same thing all over again...

Is it the same way how everything else works too ??

Friday, March 21, 2008

Inna Ma'al-'usri Yusra

I’m sitting here @ LCCT-KLIA Airport Kuala Lumpur, laptop on my lap, my fingers are waiting the idea coming down from the brain..... attemping to write something while waiting the flight to Bangkok..

Thinking of the old days, the days of present and the days to come…

Though it's still very early to count the number of difficulties that I've been suffered with, but it's been existed and passed through my life. Well ,yes, it was somehow makes my life quite glooming, but on the other hand it makes my life more colorful as well.

Verily, I realize that life by its very nature consists of various cycles, as Allah has stated ‘every hardship is followed by ease’.

Life by its nature is a rotation, ‘what goes around comes around’, ‘life and death’, and if we look further into the beauty of Allah’s creation we see more and more examples of this ‘the rotation of the sun around the moon’, ‘the orbit of the planets’, ‘the water cycle’, and really the list is endless.

There was a time when only the old days mattered, I was constantly looking over my shoulder, constantly remembering the joys, the smiles and the tears of my past, always falling back over the cliff of despair, never looking forward to see the light ahead.

Then came the days of present, the days which to a certain extent I still reside within, having moved on from my past, now only living one day at a time. Treating every day as its own test, with no care or concern for what lay ahead.

And now, after several times, again, I have started recently to look forward, planning for my future, preparing for the tests that lay ahead, whilst struggling with the trials of today.

If I look back through these three phases of my life, which I honestly believe were inevitable and could not have been avoided, does one phase bring more smiles to my face than another…. yes, I myself would not have believed that it ever could be true, but looking forward towards the light, basking in the rays of my future as they slowly appear over the horizon, I am possibly happier than I have ever been.

As I look towards my future, I am careful not to delete my past, for in amongst the vast pages that many would see destroyed lies a legacy, a lesson or two that maybe I have missed on my journey, a lesson or two for those who I have passed by, and maybe also for those whom I have picked up on the way.

Life is as strange as it is natural, life is as happy as it is sad, life requires even the Bedouin to call the desert his home, for there is no escape from life save death, and only Allah knows when the cycle ends.

What I believe is a thing that has been mentioned in Quran (94:5) :
Inna ma'al-'usri yusra - with every hardship comes ease! -- no sacrifice, no victory.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Menistakan Rokok

Nun jau disana ada sebuah hari yang istimewa..
hari dimana segala macam iklan rokok, dalam bentuk poster, media cetak, dan media elektronik, tidak dianggap pantas lagi secara hukum. Waktunya tiba untuk menistakan pembodohan massa, dan mengusir jauh dari pandangan mata kita.

Di mana? Di Inggris, tentu saja. (

Masih jauh buat mengharapkan tindakan cerdas dari pemerintah seperti ini bisa diberlakukan di Indonesia.

Tapi sementara itu ... maju tak gentar ...

Say No to Ciggy, Say No Smoking